Which Blogging Niches Are the Most Lucrative for Making Money Online in 2021?

And which you should consider moving platforms for.

E-Business Break
6 min readJul 6, 2021

The Internet has created an opportunity for people to make money online in a variety of different ways. Some choose to sell their products and services, while others take advantage of affiliate marketing opportunities. Blogging is another way that you can earn money on the web by providing valuable content to your readers.

There are many blogging niches from which you can choose, but do they all offer equal chances for success?

In this article, we’ll take a look at the most popular blogging niches and how they compare to each other in terms of profitability.

Let’s first look at a few niches that are popular, but that you may have to expand to other platforms.

For YouTube, Instagram, etc.

1) Fashion Blogging

Fashion blogging is one of the most popular niches online. It’s also a very competitive niche because there are so many fashion blogs out there posting new content every day.

This competition has led to more than 50% bloggers in this niche making less than $100 per month from their blog. However, if you’re willing to create original and informative content that stands out from what other fashion bloggers are publishing on a regular basis, then it may be worth your time to explore starting a fashion blog!

For this niche it might also be a good idea to look into YouTube and Instagram influencer opportunities.

2) Photography Blogging

Photography blogs are also popular and there’s a lot of competition in this area too.

It may not be as competitive since it doesn’t attract the same number of bloggers, but if you’re considering starting a photography blog then make sure to stand out from the crowd with your content!

In addition to posting engaging photos, try publishing information on how-to tutorials for different types of photography skills such as Photoshop or Lightroom use. This niche might also offer opportunities through YouTube channels focused on tutorial videos. You can also ask people who follow your channel to promote their brands by mentioning them in posts about products they sell that fall within your niche interests (e.g., fashion).

If you love taking pictures, then this might be the niche for you! But instead of blogging you might want to look into photography platforms where you can easily sell your photography online.

3) Digital Nomad Blogging

Digital nomad blogging is a very popular niche online, but it also has fierce competition. You’ll need to set yourself apart from the crowd with your content in order for this blog topic to be successful! It might not hurt if you’re already traveling around the world and have plenty of experience living out of hotels while working on different projects or assignments at once.

If you don’t currently lead that lifestyle then consider switching to another more profitable type of blogging about something else!

A great way to monetize your digital nomad blog is by creating an affiliate marketing program through Amazon Associates. A lot of people who are following along will probably want advice on what products they should buy as well.

So what are the most lucrative blogging niches?

1) Personal Finance Blogging

This is a great way to make money online because it’s not as competitive and can be done from anywhere. It may seem like everyone has their own personal finance blog, but the truth is that there are only about 12% of bloggers who write in this niche! However, with so much competition you’ll still need to create content that stands out if you want to succeed — it might help if your background includes being an accountant or financial advisor. You also might consider giving memberships away for free but charge them after they’ve had access for 30 days (to allow readers time to explore more topics).

2) Travel

Even though it may seem like less people are interested in travel because of the pandemic, the opposite is the case!

In fact, more people than ever are traveling abroad and this means that travel blogging might be a great niche to make money online in 2021.

It’s important when building your brand as a travel blogger to create content that stands out from the rest of what is already available on the web — you can do this by providing readers with unique perspectives or first-hand insights they wouldn’t have otherwise had access to!

The most popular type of blog post for travelers is “A Guide To” posts such as A Guide To New York City, A Guide To Paris Travel Tips, etc. But you’ll also want to consider ways you can monetize your site outside of affiliate marketing programs like Skyscanner and Google AdSense.

3) Fitness and Health

This is a hot niche to be in right now!

It’s important when building your brand as a fitness or health blogger that you create content that stands out from what other blogs are already publishing. One way to do this might be by providing readers with unique perspectives on topics such as yoga, weight loss advice, running tips and more — you can also consider monetizing your site through affiliate marketing programs like ClickBank and Amazon Associates since people interested in these topics will probably want products for themselves too!

4) Pet Care

People who are interested in pet care might be looking for every bit of information they can find on the subject.

If you’re thinking about starting a blog that focuses on this niche then having an established website and social media account is important — and make sure your content stands out from what others have put out there before (maybe by adding some humor or creating videos).

One way to monetize your site through affiliate marketing programs like Amazon Associates! When people visit your site, they’ll want products too so it’s essential to provide links where appropriate.

Our winner:

5) Parenting

Parenting blogs may be one of the most popular niches on the web, but it’s also a very competitive niche.

This is probably because there are so many parenting bloggers out there and they’re all competing for attention as well as eyeballs or ad clicks. It can be difficult to stand out in such a crowded space!

There will always be parents who want more information about their childs’ needs, which means that this might still be an attractive blogging niche if you can create content that stands out from what other parents already read online. If not then consider switching to another blog topic where your competition isn’t quite as fierce — you’ll have much better chances at success with less competition!

A great way to monetize your parenting blog is Pinterest.

You can create boards with different topics that parents might be interested in as a way to promote your blog. Idea Pins are a great way to get traffic to your blog as well!

In Conclusion

The purpose of blogging is to provide value in the form of information, education, entertainment or inspiration. The best way to make money online through blogging is by creating content that is original and informative to your target audience.

Only choose blog niches if they’re interesting to you because there’s no point in wasting time working on content that has little chance of earning you significant income.

The key thing with blogging is that there isn’t just one right answer as far as which niche will generate the most income for you. You need to consider not only how popular your blog post topics are, but also how much competition you’re up against.

This article was originally posted on https://www.e-businessbreak.com/

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